Files in each {cz, en, pl} directory : ====================================== - gpl2: definition of commands of the game programming language. - ident: initial lists of identifiers in some namespaces. The game compiler then allocates on the fly new available numbers. - ikony (3-3): definitions of all game items that can be picked (name, picture, label) - init (3-1): definitions of all variables used in the game, and the name of the starting location - mist (3-4): definitions of all game locations (name, background image, map, perspective coefficient, programs run when leaving the location one for each gate) - mluveni (3-8): definitions of speaking characters (position of the text and font color) - objekty (3-2): definitions of interactive game objects which can be clicked on (name, location, z-coordinate, animation, which game items can be used on it, position of the dragon when interacting with it, program run when entering the location, programs run when clicking an looking on it) - *.txt: descriptions of the dialogs, linked from files mist and objekty. Each such file is split into several blocks (3-9) and contain programs to be run as well as texts spoken by the characters. Instead of calling the TALK command directly, syntax ': "text"' is used. The following files are independent of the localization: gpl2, ident, init, mluveni. The remaining files contain localized strings. These strings are expected in charset x-kam-cs (Kamenický encoding, for English and Czech version) and some very funny encoding (mapping ąćęłńóśźżĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻ into characters 128..145, respectively, for Polish version), and they must be in the CR+LF format (DOS and Windows text files). I have recoded them to UTF-8 charset for easier editing in Unix environment, but kept them in the CR+LF format, because the editors can handle them well. If you use these recoded files to compile the game without recoding them back, the compiler will work, but the character codes would not match the attached fonts! Use scripts/ to recode the files back. gpl2 : ====== Syntax of a command: Syntax of a parameter: - 1: integer number litarally passed to the program - 2-1: string stored in the reservoir of game strings (i.e., something to be displayed) and stored as an index in this list - 2-2: string resolved by the compiler (i.e., a path to another file) and replaced by an integer index of this entity in the appropriate namespace (e.g., the index of the palette, location, ...) - 3-0: relative jump to a label defined in this code. Each label must be first declared in the beginning of the program. - 3-1 .. 3-9: index of an entity in several namespaces, defined in file ident - 4: mathematical expression compiled into a postfix format In the compiled program, parameters of type 1..3 are represented by a single 16-bit integer. The called command knows by its definition what namespace the value comes from. ident : ======= 3-1: index of a variable defined in file init 3-2: index of an object defined in file objekty 3-3: index of a game item defined in file ikony 3-4: index of a location defined in file mist 3-5: possible states of an object, defined here 3-6: possible directions the dragon could be looking to, defined here 3-7: dialogue related constants, defined here 3-8: index of a speaking character defined in file mluveni 3-9: index of a block of the current dialog defined in the dialog file Compiled files : ================ - init.dfw (IniGamePath): general data structures of the game 1: byte array of all game objects. Each byte consists of bits 0..6 (the index of the location) and bit 7 (whether to display the object) 2: byte array of all game items (if non-zero, the item is in the dragon's bag) 3: int16 array of values of all game variables 4: TGameHd structure describing the game state (current location, map location, number of objects/items/variables/characters/dialogs, maximal item width * height, length of music, and the number of blocks in all dialogs) 5: int16 array of numbers of blocks in each dialog. The old player reads these numbers, allocates data structures, and resets the structure to instead point at the offset of the dialog in the table of all dialog blocks. 6: array of TPersonHd containing the description of how each character speaks - hra.dfw (AuxGamePath): images of the mouse and menu icons 1..8: mouse cursor images (1=normal, 2..5=arrows, 6=dialog, 7=highlighted normal, 8=main menu) 9..13: images for items in the main menu 14: image of the backpack - anim.dfw (ANMPath): animation descriptions Each record is of the type TAnimation (loaded as is into a prefix of a longer array). The old game player reads at most A_MaxSeq==50 sequence into memory and stores them with their ID's in a cache. A frame of an animation can refer to an image and/or a sound sample. - obr_an.dfw (PictPath): images used in the animations above Each record is a BLOB of the image data stored in the sprite format. The old game player caches at most A_MaxSprites==150 images in the memory, but some more may be loaded into different places. Sprite format: - offset 0: int16 width - offset 2: int16 height - ofsset 4..N: pixels of the image stored column-wise, one byte per pixel. Color 255 is transparent. We call Gcf format and it's stored in *.GCF. Another variant of this format is Gcc format stored in *.GCC is the same, except for that the pixels are stored row-wise. - mist.dfw (IniRoomPath): descriptions of all locations 4*loc + 1: TRoomHd describes the location parameters (index of the palette, walking map, and music, number of overlays placed on top of the background, code pointer for GPL2 programs, boolean flags on what can be done and whether the mouse and hero is visible in this location, perspective coefficients, new location number when pressing Escape, and the description of all outgoing gates). 4*loc + 2: string containing the title of the location 4*loc + 3: array of TMaskHd structures describing all overlays in the location (their position, Z-coordinate, and index of the overlay in obr_mas.dfw). The reason why we have overlays is 3D---we want the hero to be able to walk between them. Often the overlays are created by taking a single image with the background and another colored image of the layers, and cutting the background according to single-colored areas from the layer map into overlays. 4*loc + 4: compiled GPL2 program for this location - mapy.dfw (MapPath): walking maps Each record is a BLOB of the map image stored in the map format. Maps are referred to from TRoomHd if the hero is visible in the location. Map format (editor/gm4mist/makeobj.pas): - offset 0: int16 width of the map in real screen pixels - offset 2: int16 height of the map in real screen pixels - offset 4: int16 delta_x, the number of screen pixels one map pixel corresponds to, usually delta_x==4 - offset 6: int16 delta_y, the number of screen pixels one map pixel corresponds to, usually delta_y==4 - offset 8: int16 width of the map in map pixels (rounded up) - offset 10: int16 height of the map in map pixels (rounded up) - offset 12: int16 width of the map in bytes (rounded up) - offset 14..N: bits of the map stored row-wise, one bit per pixel (i.e., 8 pixels per byte). A row is always aligned to bytes, so the number of stored map pixels per row is a multiple of 8. Map pixels don't correspond directly to pixels on the screen, but one map pixel corresponds to delta_x*delta_y screen pixels. - palety.dfw (PalPath): palettes for the 256-color graphic mode Each record is a BLOB of the palette stored in the palette format. Palettes are referred to from TRoomHd. Palette format: array of 256*3 bytes - offset 3*clr: red byte - offset 3*clr + 1: green byte - offset 3*clr + 2: blue byte - obr_mas.dfw (ImgMaskPath): images of the overlays Each record is a BLOB of the overlay image data stored in the sprite format. Overlays are referred to from the location data structure and 1 overlay can be referred to from several locations. - objekty.dfw (ObjectsPath): descriptions of all objects 3*obj + 1: TObjHd describes the object parameters (code pointers for GPL2 programs, boolean flags on what can be done, walk/look/use direction when approached by the hero, Z-coordinate, indices of the animations corresponding to this object, position of the object, index of the object in the game) 3*obj + 2: string containing the title of the object 3*obj + 3: compiled GPL2 program for this object - obr_ik.dfw (ImgIconPath): images of the game items 2*obj + 1: normal image 2*obj + 2: highlighted image Each record is a BLOB of the game item image data stored in the sprite format. - ikony.dfw (IconsPath): descriptions of all game items 3*itm + 1: TIcoHd describes the item parameters (code pointers, boolean flags on what can be done with it) 3*itm + 2: string containing the title of the item 3*itm + 3: compiled GPL2 program for this item - rozh.dfw (DialoguePath): descriptions of all blocks of the dialog 3*blk + 1: mathematical expression evaluating to whether one can start this block of dialogue (for example, a person may be willing to start talking only after we gave him some item) 3*blk + 2: title string describing a sentence that the dragon can say to start this block. Some blocks may not be labeled by any title. 3*blk + 3: compiled GPL2 program for this block. It can set values of some variables (such as we have been told about a new location), or switch to another block. The spoken sentences are actually not stored here, but only their indices are here. - retezce.dfw (StringsPath): the actual texts of all spoken sentences in all dialogs. They are stored apart to save memory. They are indexed by the same numbers as dubbed sentences in the (optional) dubbing file. The character "|" inside a string means new line. - small.fon, big.fon: two fonts used in the game. Two colors are designated: one is transparent and one is replaced by a given color to make the font color variable. Font format (graph256.pas): - offset 0: maximal font width - offset 1: font height - offset 2..139: widths of 138 characters from space (#32) to #169 - offset 140..N: 138 characters of width*height bytes each. One pixel is one byte, the character is stored row-wise over the whole matrix and columns on the right of the actual character width are ignored. Colors 254, 253, 252, 251 are replaced by colors FonColor1, FonColor2, FonColor3, FonColor4 from graph256.pas, respectively. We only vary FonColor1 (for different speaking characters in the game) and the other 3 colors seem to be fixed to 0, 3, 4. Color OverFontColor from graph256.pas (which is always set to 255, AFAIK) is transparent. - *.mid: MIDI music played in locations. The format is recognized by LoadMidi() in units/system/mini01.pas. Each file is at most 35000 bytes long. - cmf.ins: description of MIDI instruments. The file contains 128 BLOB's of type TInstrument from units/system/sblaster.pas - cd.sam, cd2.sam: sequence of sound samples for dubbing (cd.sam, 22000 Hz 8-bit mono unsigned) and animation effects (cd2.sam, 13000Hz 8-bit mono unsigned). The former one may be replaced by a dummy version with empty sounds. They are not stored in the BAR format, but just as a sequence of concatenated BLOB's with a simple header. They are played using a DMA channel. Sample format (editors/sound/extract.c): - offset 0: int32 total length of the file without the header (of length 32004) - offset 4*sam: int32 offset of the start of the sample number sam. Samples are numberd from 1. The length of the sample is computed as the difference of the two adjacent offsets. If the difference is negative, take it as 0 (there is a bug in the code producing the file). - offsets 32004..N: 8-bit mono unsigned raw sound data of the frequence given above. - (BeforeMapStatusPath): all saved games This is a temporary file of the old game player where the status of the game is saved before entering the map so that it can be restored after pressing ESCAPE. It isn't part of the game files and can be ignored in the ScummVM implementation.