system: ------- extended (simple utility) graform (parsing and saving graphical formats; only used for saving screenshots) graph256 (graphic primitives) graphasm.asm put.asm dma (DMA access for playing dubbing from CD) midi01 (MIDI music) sblaster (playing samples with sound effects) animace4 (the only game-related library, low-level handling of animations, such as double-buffering, handling mouse, drawing of registered objects) gpl2: ----- play3.asm (simple interpretter of the language, calling Pascal call-backs) bar: ---- barchiv (body of the archiver) bar_huf (concrete compression routines) bar_lzw bar_tog (library with constants) bardfw (this is the legacy external interface used by the player) dfw (linked in, but never called and should be removed) player: ------- vars (all data structures of the game) anmplay4 (high-level library for animations, parsing our formats, loading maps and mask, and walking with the hero) rungpl2 (actual call-backs called from the game interpretter, loading and saving the game, switching locations, main loop) player/en: ---------- error (list of all error messages, and credits) p (main program, initializing the engine)