block _08 ( beg(1) and (hradni_dvere=2) ) title {vylili jsme na zem pivo a ona si vzpomene na heslo:} justtalk D: "Agatha, have you already thought of something?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "No, I haven't." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Hm." juststay exitdialogue gplend block _07 ( beg(1) and not been(_07) and (hradni_dvere=3) ) title {vylili jsme na zem pivo a ona si vzpomene na heslo:} justtalk D: "Agatha, have you already thought of something?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "I think I may have gotten a signal." Z1: "Listen to it and remember it:" Z1: "Memoriter - Menander - Mendacium" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Memoriter, Menander, Mendacium" D: "OK, I've memorized it." D: "Hey, thanks a lot!" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Not at all..." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" let hradni_dvere (4) exitdialogue gplend block _00 ( beg(1) and not been(_00) and (hradni_dvere=1) ) title {vrati se z hradu a zjisti, ze nejdou otevrit dvere do hodovny:} justtalk D: "Agatha!" juststay justtalk D: "There is a problem with your leader - Karmela..." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Pardon?" Z1: "What did you say?" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I didn't find her." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Did you look around carefully?" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Maybe she's been buried!" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "That's bad, that's really bad. Have you got any ideas?" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I have thought of something, by chance - it's really a silly idea - but I discovered a locked door in the castle." juststay justtalk D: "What if she is hidden behind it?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Nonsense." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "OK, but what if she..?!" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Although your idea sounds crazy, I'll still try to help you." Z1: "Do you have any questions?" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "What about using a password?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Hey, you're brilliant!" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Do you know the password?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Well, I don't... but I could work on it!" Z1: "You have certainly realized that I am wooden thing." Z1: "All wooden creatures have a special ability to relay information to each other." Z1: "But..." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "You don't have the right medium for it?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "That's not it." Z1: "Information usually gets into my legs from the surface, it passes my sticks and they get to the back..." Z1: "...and there, they are examined by the brain." Z1: "Thousands and thousands of neurons participate in this strange transaction of thoughts." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Sounds interesting but what can I do about it?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "My neurons are OK, as I had hoped." Z1: "The problem is there is no information getting into my legs." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "How is that possible?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Maybe it is running somewhere else or maybe this surface has a bad conductor I really don't know..." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" {ted uz muzeme tusit, ze mame vylit na travnik pullitr:} let hradni_dvere (2) exitdialogue gplend block _01 ( beg(1) and not been(_01) and (tereza_levituje=5) ) title {az levituje vzhuru nohamapak pokec s Agátou:} justtalk D: "Hey, Teresa did it!" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Clever girl." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" let tereza_levituje (0) exitdialogue gplend block _02 ( beg(1) and maxline(1) and not been(_02) ) title justtalk D: "Lady chair!" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "What do you want?" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Can you explain something to me?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Of course." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "What are you doing here, if I may ask?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "As you can see, we are grazing here." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "But why here?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Because of the grass. It is the juiciest grass in this entire fable." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "... Oh! ..." juststay gplend block _03 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_03) ) title I expected you in some sunnier place... justtalk D: "I expected you in some sunnier place..." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "You are right, originally we were grazing on the meadow in front of the castle." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "... And? ..." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Lord of the Castle Masterfive has driven us out!" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "He doesn't know what is he doing, what a harmless way to keep grass in good condition!" D: "No bad smelling gas, no excrement!" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "He loathed the never-ending creaking." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Organize yourselves. Complain about your treatment and don't stop at anything!" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "He's cruel!" Z1: "We protested and he kidnapped and out of doubt also imprisoned our leader - Karmela V." Z1: "We are absolutely disorganized, there is total anarchy between us!" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" gplend block _04 ( beg(0) and been(_03) and not been(_04) ) title Have you got any information about Karmela? justtalk D: "Have you got any information about Karmela?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "We don't know anything." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I get really angry whenever I see injustice!" D: "And I am always ready to get things into order!" juststay {obdivně, naivně, jako Melicharová Jonášovi:} start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "You are my Hero!" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Aww, I'm just a little boy scout." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "You have to go to the castle at once!" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I am ready." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "But you can't get there through the gate. It is locked so that Karmela couldn't escape." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" {nešťastně, bezradně:} justtalk D: "But what should I do?!" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "There is secret passage into every ordinary castle, so naturally there is one here." Z1: "It starts in this wood, below the two old stumps." Z1: "It's quite uncomfortable for a chair, but you'll certainly get through." Z1: "Give Karmela my best regards." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I will." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "My name is Agatha. And you can also mention my friends." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" {pribude na mape nova lokace:} let new_parezy (1) gplend block _05 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_05) ) title Who are your friends? justtalk D: "Who are your friends?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Well, I can say they are quite an agreeable lot of ladies." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "What about this tearful chair next to you?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "You are talking about Eulanie?" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Right." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "You know, she is so shy ..." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Who else is there?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "There is Melanie here, next to this tree. Cristine is grazing and Teresa is levitating." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Teresa has a strange hobby." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "But she is nice anyway." Z1: "I tried to levitate also, but I have not been successful so far." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Do you think that Teresa could levitate upside down?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Upside down? I don't think so." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Do you think I can speak with her?" juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Rather not, it can be dangerous to speak while levitating." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" {az se prijde po x-te do mistnosti, nechat Terezu vzhůru nohama!} let tereza_levituje (1) gplend block _06 ( beg(1) and maxline(1)) ) title {vrati se z hradu a zjisti, ze nejdou otevrit dvere do hodovny:} labels anonym if(not been(_04)) anonym justtalk D: "Agatha!" juststay exit label anonym justtalk D: "Ladies chairs..." juststay gplend block _09 ( beg(0) and last(_06) and maxline(1) ) title start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Something is happening?" start zid_leva_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "No, it isn't." juststay exitdialogue gplend block _10 ( beg(0) and not ((last(_02) or(last(_06))) and not maxline(1) ) title So bye... justtalk D: "So bye..." juststay start zid_leva_huba "mluvi" Z1: "Bye, bye." start zid_leva_huba "mlci" exitdialogue gplend