{Potulný kouzelník Apokalypso:} block _09 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and isactico(i_karty) and not been(_09) ) title disablequickhero load bert "karty_mluvi" load bert "karty_mlci" load bert "karty_vytah" load bert "karty_schova" load bert "karty_vejnah" load bert "karty_vejir" load bert "karty_vejdol" load bert "karty_micha" load bert "karty_ukanah" load bert "karty_ukazuj" load bert "karty_ukadol" justtalk D: "I've got enough magic gathered already!" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Me too, we can start our competition. What have you prepared?" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "It's just a little gimmick only a small part of my magic skills ..." D: "but it has been passed around for generations in our family..." juststay walkonplay 116 164 vpravo {vytáhne balíček karet a rozevře ho do vějíře:} startplay bert "karty_vytah" start bert "karty_mluvi" D: "Choose a card any card ..." startplay bert "karty_vejnah" start bert "karty_vejir" {kouzelník ukáže na kartu:} mark load apok "ukaznahoru" startplay apok "ukaznahoru" load apok "ukazmluvi" start apok "ukazmluvi" A: "I like this one." load apok "ukazdolu" startplay apok "ukazdolu" release start apok "mlci" startplay bert "karty_vejdol" start bert "karty_mluvi" D: "And now, let's shuffle." startplay bert "karty_micha" start bert "karty_mluvi" D: "Was it this one?" startplay bert "karty_ukanah" start bert "karty_ukazuj" start apok "mluvi" A: "No, not at all! It was the ten of hearts." start apok "mlci" startplay bert "karty_ukadol" start bert "karty_mluvi" D: "You are kidding, there are only aces in this deck. It had to be an ace! Did you look at it well?" start bert "karty_mlci" start apok "mluvi" A: "It's possible I didn't inspect it well." start apok "mlci" start bert "karty_mluvi" D: "Here you go, it did have to be an ace." start bert "karty_mlci" start apok "mluvi" A: "You are right! Yes you are, it was an ace, that was me, who spoiled it." A: "You are too modest for your skills!" start apok "mlci" startplay bert "karty_schova" start bert "kour-pravo" walkonplay 100 164 vlevo justtalk D: "But I don't deserve such a compliment..." juststay {Drak by mohl zčervenat v ksichtě- a pak zase zezelenat justtalk D: "It's your turn. That was your stone over there, wasn't it?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I don't know, didn't it look a little different before?" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "It's because of erosion. There is a quite strong wind blowing here." juststay {a zvedne se poryv větru, který může odnést {kouzelníkovi čepici, nebo nadzvednout plášť-vida! mohl by {mít křivé nohy a červené trenýrky! stačily by ty {trenýrky... exitdialogue gplend block _09a ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and isactico(i_karty) and not been(_09a) ) title disablequickhero start apok "mluvi" A: "So - let this stone change to dust..." {kouzlime:} load apok "kouzli" load apok "mlci1sec" startplay apok "kouzli" startplay apok "mlci1sec" {nic se neděje, chvíli pauza, jenom oba civí na kámen start apok "mluvi" A: "I want this stone to change to dust!" startplay apok "kouzli" startplay apok "kouzli" start apok "mlci" {zase se nic neděje, drak se podívá tázavě na kouzelníka start apok "mluvi" A: "I order this stone to change to dust!" startplay apok "kouzli" startplay apok "mlci1sec" startplay apok "mlci1sec" start apok "mlci" {nic se neděje, chvíli pauza, jenom oba civí na kámen start apok "mluvi" A: "If this stone doesn't change to dust right now I will change all the earth to dust!" startplay apok "kouzli" start apok "mlci" {dokouzlili jsme} exitdialogue gplend block _09b ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and isactico(i_karty) and not been(_09b) ) title {shora udeří blesk do kamene a ten se promění load myt_blesk "FLI-animace" load loutka_kam "promena" objstat_on loutka_dre myt start loutka_dre "zakladni" start loutka_kam "promena" startplay myt_blesk "FLI-animace" objstat away loutka_kam exitdialogue gplend block _09c ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and isactico(i_karty) and not been(_09c) ) title disablequickhero load apok "mlci1sec" walkonplay 100 168 vpravo justtalk D: "I wonder if it worked." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "That threat usually works." startplay apok "mlci1sec" startplay apok "mlci1sec" start apok "mlci" {Chvilka mlčení} justtalk D: "Who has won this duel? I vote for myself." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I thought I did better, so I vote for myself." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "So it's a draw?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Draw." A: "But I like that spell of yours. Could you teach it to me?" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Maybe next time..." juststay icostat off i_karty exitdialogue gplend block _07 ( beg(1) and isactico(i_rad) and not been(_07) ) title disablequickhero load bert "rad_vytahuje" load bert "rad_schovava" load bert "rad_mluvi" load bert "rad_mlci" justtalk D: "Here is my certificate from magic school. I graduated with honors." D: "I even got a report card!" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Is it from a correspondence course? I know these tricks." A: "Show it to me first." start apok "mlci" {ukáže mu výpujční řád z knihovny} walkonplay 116 164 vpravo startplay bert "rad_vytahuje" start bert "rad_mluvi" D: "It's not a long distance class, but ..." D: "You see?" D: "Straight A's!" start bert "rad_mlci" {kouzelnik zabrejli na rad:} load apok "kouka" startplay apok "kouka" start apok "mluvi" A: "Well, and what's this, you have got D's for reading magic scrolls." A: "That's really poor!" start apok "mlci" start bert "rad_mluvi" D: "It was a completely unimportant subject. You have to look at the average." start bert "rad_mlci" {kouzelnik zabrejli na rad:} startplay apok "kouka" start apok "mluvi" A: "A-, hmm, it's not that bad. Now I see that we can have a competition." start apok "mlci" startplay bert "rad_schovava" start bert "kour-pravo" walkonplay 112 164 vpravo start apok "mluvi" A: "Let's start right now, what spell have you prepared?" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Ehm..." D: "... I have ..." D: "... I still have to draw magic from somewhere" D: "I'm going to have a look around." juststay let prokazal_kvalifikaci (2) icostat off i_rad exitdialogue gplend block _00a ( beg(1) and been(_00b) and isactico(0) ) title justtalk D: "Apokalypso..." juststay gplend block _00b ( beg(1) and not been(_00b) and isactico(0) ) title justtalk D: "Hey, wizard! Do you need some help?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "What? Haven't you ever seen somebody drawing on magic?" A: "Help - no, in any case. There is just enough of it for me." A: "If you want to draw some for yourself, do as you wish - but find some other place." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "It's a pity, I thought we could share it." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Did you?" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Well, but anyway, at least we can get to know to each other." D: "They call me Bert." D: "I am a Dragon." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "My name is Apokalypso." A: "I am a Wizard." start apok "mlci" gplend block _0011 ( beg(0) and not been(_0011) ) TITLE Have you seen a magic wand somewhere around here? justtalk D: "Have you seen a magic wand somewhere around here?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Are you crazy? I don't care about magic wands." A: "I can manage without them." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "You do magic only with your bare hands?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Sometimes I even generate such great magic that I burn my fingers!" A: "And that's why they are trembling right now." start apok "mlci" gplend block _02 ( beg(0) and not been(_02) and not been(_09) ) TITLE So you are a wizard, aren't you? justtalk D: "So you are a wizard, aren't you?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "By the gods, how did you make that out?!" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "I knew because of your hat!" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Well, some say I'm a wizard of great prowess." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Who are these 'some'?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Hmm, as far as I know it's me and then ..." A: "... lots of others." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "I see you come with the best references." D: "It could take at least half a day or so to name them all." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I would say so. And why should I tire myself with speaking to you." A: "It will certainly draw on some of my magic and I would be very sorry for that." A: "Everything but not this." start apok "mlci" gplend block _03 ( (1=2) and beg(0) and not been(_03) and not been(_07) ) title D: "." D: "." A: "." A: "." A: "." D: "." D: "." D: "." A: "." gplend block _04 ( beg(0) and not been(_04) ) TITLE Do you not have enough of this magic already? justtalk D: "Do you not have enough of this magic already?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "No way! I'm trying to do a completely new spell." A: "More fantastic and more marvelous than anything I have done before ..." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "And what is it going to be?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I don't know if I can tell you!" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "I think you can." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Fine then. Now watch out - I want to change a stone to dust!" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "But every amateur can do that!" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Maybe a amateur can. But you didn't think that I'm some lousy beginner!" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "No way!" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Now you will see!" start apok "mlci" gplend block _05 ( beg(0) and not been(_05) and been(_04) ) TITLE Have you already chosen a stone? justtalk D: "Have you already chosen a stone?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I looked around a little bit and I think I may have found something. It's that stone over there." start apok "mlci" {kouzelník ukáže na malinkej kámen opodál, drak otočí hlavu, {podívá se na něj a udělá udivenej ksicht walkonplay 100 164 vlevo justtalk D: "That tiny one?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "It's an extraordinarily hard one." start apok "mlci" walkonplay 104 164 vpravo let vim_o_kaminku (1) gplend block _06 ( beg(0) and not been(_06) and been(_04) ) TITLE Could I learn that spell of yours? justtalk D: "Could I learn that spell of yours?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I think that won't be possible. Unless ..." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Unless what?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Unless we could have a competition in spell casting. I don't remember exactly what you have said, but I hope you cast spells?!" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Well yes, you remembered it perfectly. That competition idea is really great." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "But I don't want to duel with just anybody. Can you prove your qualifications to me?" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "I am a wizard equal to you. What can I do to prove it to you?" D: "Maybe I could show you something..." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "No way, no way, I know these poor tricks! I know what you are up to, you swindler" A: "I won't get caught up in your trap." start apok "mlci" let prokazal_kvalifikaci (1) gplend block _08 ( beg(0) and not been(_08) and been(_07) and been(_07) and not been(_09) ) TITLE But who is going to judge our competition? justtalk D: "But who is going to judge our competition?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I am" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "What?! Couldn't we do it in another way?" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Fine, we can vote about the winner." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Yep..." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I've got one vote and you've got another one." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "But I want to have two votes." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "I wanna have three." start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "I wanna have four!" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Five!" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Six!" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Seven!" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Eight!" juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "Nine!" start apok "mlci" justtalk D: "Ten!" juststay justtalk D: "We are finished The winner takes it all." juststay start apok "mluvi" A: "It's true I can't think of a higher number." start apok "mlci" gplend block _11 ( beg(0) and maxline(1) and last(_00a) ) title justtalk D: "Nothing..." juststay exitdialogue gplend block _10 ( beg(0) and not maxline(1) and not (last(_00b) or last(_00a))) TITLE Bye then... justtalk D: "Bye then..." juststay exitdialogue gplend