{kecani s Evelynou pred koncem hry:} block _0 ( beg(1) ) title disablequickhero { disablespeedtext walkonplay 224 144 vlevo justtalk D: "Evelyn!" juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Hello, dragon-boy!" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "We have to have a serious talk!" juststay walkon 196 160 vlevo start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Go on then, what has happened?! Were you naughty?" start EvelOut "neskace" walkonplay 196 160 vlevo justtalk D: "I was ..." juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Excellent. You are a good boy!" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "And what about you?" juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Nah, I didn't have a good time." start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "I'm sorry about that. Eh ... [We should deal with unpleasant things right from the beginning]" juststay justtalk D: "What about summing up your life?" juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "All my life? Isn't it too early for that?" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "At least some achievements." juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Nonsense!" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "Our first meeting ..." juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "I have already forgotten about that! No need to worry, I'm healthy as can be!" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "One can never know what may happen." juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "And you have some idea?" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "I'm just worried about you, that's all. I would like to remember all your heroic deeds." juststay gplend block _1 ( last(_0) ) title disablequickhero { disablespeedtext walkon 92 160 vpravo start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Oh, I'd like to hear about that. Go on, but be brief, please." Ev: "Be brief! I don't want to fall asleep" start EvelOut "neskace" walkonplay 92 160 vpravo justtalk D: "Let's start." juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "I'm listening ..." start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "You almost led one dragon astray." juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Well ..." start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "You have given serious psychological problems to a chronicle!" juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "He He He ... Yeah" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "You made some beggar starve by giving him strange visions!" juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "And more? It's very nice of you to remind me of these bright moments in my life. What more?" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "What more? That's really the question!" juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "I know what more. Now the big one: We will conquer the word!" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "But my parents told me not to play with you!" juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "That can be averted." start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "But not that easily." juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "What's that? You are causing me trouble!" walkon 192 176 vlevo Ev: "You don't want me to have wrinkles." start EvelOut "neskace" walkonplay 196 172 vlevo justtalk D: "Wrinkles? That's what I don't want." juststay justtalk D: "And that's why I prepared a healing bath for you." juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Did you now?" start EvelOut "neskace" justtalk D: "I did, as proof of our friendship" juststay start EvelOut "skace" Ev: "Well... I will give it a try. It smells enticing." gplend block _2 ( last(_1) ) title disablequickhero { disablespeedtext roommap walkon 140 160 vlevo startplay EvelOut "sipka" start EvelOut "topi se" {hůlka skočí šipku do polívky:} Yve: "Oh, it hurts a bit!" walkonplay 140 160 vlevo justtalk D: "Come on now, no pain, no gain!" juststay Yve: "Is it really a healing bath?" justtalk D: "Of course, but you have to submerge for it to work." juststay Yve: "Well then." Yve: "Am I nicer?" justtalk D: "I can't tell yet." juststay Yve: "And now?" justtalk D: "Yes, you seem to be a little bit less ugly." juststay Yve: "I'll try to dive down." justtalk D: "Now you will suffer, you vicious creature!" juststay Yve: "What did you say?" justtalk D: "Errm, I just said, that the bath is improving your precious features." juststay Yve: "... glo... glo..." justtalk D: "Perhaps I'll have to help her a bit." juststay walkonplay 116 140 vlevo justtalk D: "Shall I rub your back?" juststay Yve: "But only little." {drak strčí ruku do polívky:} load bert "drbe_mluvi" load bert "drbe" load bert "drbe_nahoru" load bert "drbe_dolu" startplay bert "drbe_nahoru" start bert "drbe_mluvi" D: "Like this?" start bert "drbe" Yve: "...glo..." Yve: "Careful!" objstat away EvelOut Yve: "...glo...glo..." startplay bert "drbe_dolu" start bert "kour-vlevo" walkonplay 144 156 vpravo justtalk D: "She is out." D: "She won't emerge now." juststay {a jdeme na titulky....} gplend