block _0 ( beg(1) ) title {disablespeedtext Vypravec: "There was, however, a civilized dragon family -" Vypravec: "- father Herbert, mother Berta and their son Bert." Vypravec: "They were not the kind of dragons..." Vypravec: "...we know from the dreadful fairy tales..." Vypravec: "...these dragons adored traditional family values." Vypravec: "They were hygiene-minded, well mannered, and ..." Vypravec: "... they had even forgotten about the old dragon treasures." {jako fotograf, vyleti ptacek:} Vypravec: "Say cheese, please..." load foto_cel "syr" startplay foto_cel "syr" start foto_cel "z2" loadpalette "..\in1\ft_BACK3.pcx" setpalette loadpalette "..\in1\IN1BACK.pcx" setpalette loadpalette "..\in1\ft_BACK.pcx" fadepalette 0 255 100 load intr_nap1 "draci2" load intr_nap2 "historie2" start intr_nap1 "draci2" start intr_nap2 "historie2" loadpalette "..\in1\ft_BACK.pcx" fadepaletteplay 0 255 120 loadpalette "..\in1\ft_BACK2.pcx" fadepaletteplay 0 255 120 gplend