block _00 ( beg(1) ) title labels preskocime { disablespeedtext disablequickhero walkon 176 156 vlevo Vypravec: "But this is not the end of our story, merely the beginning." walkonplay 176 156 vlevo load intromutti "mluvi" start intromutti "mluvi" B: "It can't go on like this, Bert!" B: "The fact that your father is roaming somewhere doesn't mean you can get naughtier and naughtier!" start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "What?" juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Who drew the big ear on granma's bottom?" start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "Shush, what if she heard us?" juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Poor granma, now she is ashamed to show herself." start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "She will get used to it..." juststay Vypravec: "Anyway, this story isn't about granma!" goto preskocime Vypravec: "[xx]" Vypravec: "[xx]" label preskocime {bert i matka se chápavě podívají někam nahoru, nebo na {sebe, pak jako herci začnou zase zostra:} mark load intromutti "mluvinormal" start intromutti "mluvinormal" B: "Let's try this again." release start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "Fine." juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Who turned the comedian's puppets to stone?" start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "You thought it was me all this time?" juststay justtalk D: "It was Evelyn!" juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Evelyn?" start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "She is my new best friend!" juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "You will quit seeing her!" B: "She has led you astray!" start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "What have I learned from this?" juststay walkonplay 224 166 vpravo justtalk D: "To be a nicer dragon?" D: "No way!" D: "I had good intentions..." juststay gplend block _01 ( last(_00) ) title disablequickhero load intromutti "mluvi" start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Bert, give me the wooden spoon!" {# in this fairy-tale land the children are not beaten {# with canes but with wooden spoons start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "You don't want to beat me, do you? There is not supposed to be any violence in this game!" juststay walkon 184 156 vlevo start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Originally it was not supposed to be!" start intromutti "mlci" walkonplay 184 156 vlevo justtalk D: "Please, no spankings!" juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "I can't promise, perhaps my hand will slip..." start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "You have no practice in beating me!" juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Do not worry, I learn quickly!" start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "I am worried now ... I'd better wait for my father." juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "I would not hold my breath." start intromutti "mlci" walkonplay 200 156 vpravo justtalk D: "We could wait for a while." juststay start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Fine, but only for a while." start intromutti "mlci" load intromutti "mlci5sec" {čekají asi 5 sekund} startplay intromutti "mlci5sec" start intromutti "mlci" justtalk D: "I think we've waited long enough." juststay walkon 176 156 vlevo start intromutti "mluvi" B: "Where the heck is Herbert? I'm getting scared, he's been gone for a month already!" start intromutti "mlci" walkonplay 176 156 vlevo justtalk D: "Don't be afraid. You'll see, I'll bring him back!" D: "Yes, we can wait for him to administer the beating." D: "(I hope I will manage to steal the wooden spoon before then)" juststay walkon 240 144 vlevo start intromutti "mluvi" B: "I hope I won't see you together with Evelyn!" start intromutti "mlci" walkonplay 240 144 vlevo justtalk D: "Don't worry. I will deal with her." juststay walkonplay 268 144 vpravo gplend