{loutkář} block _03 ( beg(1) and not been(_03) and isactico(0) ) title {dokud nepředal dřevěné loutky:} justtalk D: "Mr. Comedian!" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "What an insult! What are you looking for now?" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "I have come to practice a few new tricks." D: "Would you like to turn something else into stone?" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Clear off!" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "(I have not mastered this trick yet. Perhaps I should learn it.)" juststay exitdialogue gplend block _05 ( isactico(0) and maxline(1) and beg(1) and not been(_05) and been(_03) ) title justtalk D: "Mr. Comedian!" D: "I have come to turn your dolls back into wood." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Pardon?! What was that last bit?" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Your dolls back into wood!" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "If you want my stone dolls feel free to take them!" U: "Perhaps as a paper-weight, who cares. Now clear off!" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Paper-weight - that is tasteless! They fit into my mum's rockery." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Don't annoy me and shut up!" start kom "mlci" {dostane loutky} icostat on i_loutka_kamenna gplend block _00 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and (vim_o_kronice=1) and not been(_00) and been(_04) and isactico(0) ) title {až mi říkal jazykolamy a zkoušel jsem mluvit s kronikou justtalk D: "How did you learn such excellent diction?" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "That's nothing. You just need a little practice." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "But that is not enough by itself, though." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "You're right. I am not angry with you now, so I can tell you. I extract the medicinal effects of herbs!" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "So you make herbal teas?" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "No, I just like to chew their flowers." load kom "zvyka" startplay kom "zvyka" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Where could I find such an herb?" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "High, high up in the mountains." start kom "mlci" {udela se nova lokace na mape:} let new_hory (1) gplend block _01 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and not been(_01) and isicoon(i_scenar) ) title labels skip {až dočte pohádku- hele, v knížce byly vložené nějaké listy, {prozkoumám listy- 'siesta u řeky, hra o třech.... {můžu zaást hovor o divadle: justtalk D: "I have got a question concerning the dramatic arts." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Ask me, I am an expert." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Do you know 'Picnic at the River?'" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "'Picnic at the River.' A play with three acts and one scene." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "So you know it!" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "I only know a little part, I never managed to procure the whole script." U: "However, I have fallen in love with the few lines I know." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Can you recite them?" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "You scoundrel, you broke, without shame, the shy girl's heart." goto skip U: "At the stream she timidly sang, her soul succumb to love..." U: "...and you abused her and, afterwards you didn't pay!" U: "Two golds she was worth, but you had slipped, and the rock was placed just right -" U: "- then, when the girl laughed, I saw the sign." label skip start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Continue!" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "That's all. I only know my part after this. It doesn't sound so nice without a playmate..." start kom "mlci" gplend block _02 ( isactico(i_scenar) and not been(_02) and ( ((maxline(1) and beg(1))or last(_01)) ) title labels skip {kliknu na něj scénářem:} load bert "scenar_mluvi" load bert "scenar_mlci" load bert "scenar_diva" load bert "scenar_vytah" load bert "scenar_schov" startplay bert "scenar_vytah" startplay bert "scenar_diva" start bert "scenar_mluvi" D: "An accident happened to me and I ended up with just a scarf to warm me, when the girl called out!" start bert "scenar_mlci" start kom "mluvi" U: "But she only stammered." start kom "mlci" startplay bert "scenar_diva" goto skip start bert "scenar_mluvi" D: "Far from it, it is hard to withstand her sad whining!" start bert "scenar_mlci" start kom "mluvi" U: "That's her mouth gargling!" start kom "mlci" startplay bert "scenar_diva" start bert "scenar_mluvi" D: "Had she faked her love? Her eyes had probed me so." start bert "scenar_mlci" start kom "mluvi" U: "Scarlatina! Scarlatina!" start kom "mlci" label skip start bert "scenar_mluvi" D: "Applause." start bert "scenar_mlci" start kom "mluvi" U: "Of course applause. You're good. You've got a talent, boy. What about the dramatic arts?" start kom "mlci" startplay bert "scenar_schov" start bert "kour-vlevo" justtalk D: "Circus or Theater..." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Or would you like to become a crocodile tamer?" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "That's it!" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "I guess you will be good at it." U: "Here is the key to my chest, you should find a flute there; it is very important." start kom "mlci" icostat on i_klic_truhla icostat off i_scenar gplend block _04 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and not been(_04) and isactico(i_loutka_drevena) ) title {když vrací loutky:) start kom "mluvi" U: "Ehm, I thought worse of you than that you could actually turn back my dolls. You don't seem that good at first glance, boy!" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "That time it was just oversight!" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Four score and seven years ago. We hold these truths to be self-evident." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "What are you doing?" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "I am reciting famous phrases. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Something more traditional..." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Call me Ishmael." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Well I never!" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "I am an invisible man." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "This is the saddest story I have ever heard." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "That was not like it!" juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "I am a sick man . . . I am a spiteful man" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Not like this either..." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "The moment one learns English, complications set in." start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Yeah!" juststay icostat off i_loutka_drevena gplend block _08 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) ) title justtalk D: "Mr. Comedian..." juststay start kom "mluvi" U: "Ehm?" start kom "mlci" justtalk D: "Eh, actually nothing..." juststay exitdialogue gplend