{Bert s kronikou:} block _01 ( atbegin(1) and not been(_01) ) title Mrs. Chronicle! {abysme si s ni pokecali o tom, ze ji tady musime nechat, {az budeme poprve odchazet let kronika_extra_pokec (1) justtalk D: "Mrs. Chronicle!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "A B C D E F G H" start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "You can speak! And you speak properly!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I J K L M N O!" start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "I see you are quite able to talk." juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Shore!" K: "Shame!" K: "Shit!" {#this is based on a typical Czech speech sound, which is very {#difficult to pronounce; the third word is a little rude in Czech, too start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "Wow, that doesn't sound so badly!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Thank you very much, my unknown expert on the defects of speaking!" start kronika "mlci" gplend block _01b ( atbegin(1) and been(_01) ) title Mrs. Chronicle! justtalk D: "Mrs. Chronicle!" juststay gplend block _25 ( atbegin(0) and last(_01b) and been(_hulkakill) and been(_hulka) and been(_poklad) and been(_draci) ) title I'd like to clear something up ... justtalk D: "I'd like to clear something up ..." juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Go ahead." start kronika "mlci" resetblock _hulkakill resetblock _hulka resetblock _draci resetblock _poklad gplend block _05 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_05) and not last(_25) ) title Tell me a fairy tale! justtalk D: "Tell me a fairy tale! [What am I saying?! I hate fairy tales by now!]" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I know no fairy tales, I only remember real events." start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "Whew, that's a weight off my chest." juststay gplend {block _20 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_20) and not last(_25) ) {title Zazpívej! { justtalk { D:"Zazpívej!" { juststay { { start kronika "mluvi" { K:"Promiň, ale nemám hudební sluch." { start kronika "mlci" { { justtalk { D:"To je fajn, můžeme dát duet." { juststay { {gplend block _02 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_02) and not last(_25) ) title What have the Goblins done to you? justtalk D: "What have the Goblins done to you?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Oh, it was just a little torture." start kronika "mlci" gplend block _03 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_03) and been(_02) and not last(_25) ) title You are enormously brave! justtalk D: "You are enormously brave!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I haven't said anything for 50 years so I couldn't humble myself by talking to those primitive creatures!" start kronika "mlci" gplend block _04 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_04) and not last(_25) ) title Why didn't you defend yourself? justtalk D: "Why didn't you defend yourself when they were trying to abduct you? You could have closed your pages and crushed both Goblins at once!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I am sorry, but I am not in need of bookmarks!" start kronika "mlci" gplend block _06 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_06) and not last(_25) ) title Do you remember the time, when... justtalk D: "Do you remember the time, when..." juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "No, I don't." start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "And can you remember..." juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "No, not neither!" start kronika "mlci" gplend block _19 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_19) and last(_hulkakill) ) title And what about the recipe? justtalk D: "And what about the recipe?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "We haven't heard from Ofelina for centuries so we stopped looking for the recipe." K: "After all these years this is the first I have heard of her again." K: "The recipe is still unknown today, I have not heard of it either." start kronika "mlci" gplend block _hulkakill ( atbegin(0) and ((not been(_hulkakill) and been(_hulka))or last(_25)) ) title What do you know about punishing bad magic wands? let mam_zjistit_recept (1) justtalk D: "Do you know anything about liquidating, oh, er, ...about...about... punishing bad magic wands?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I would have to look it up." K: "Well, actually, we've been thinking for years on how to solve the Ofelina problem..." K: "... and someone overheard that bad magic wands should be boiled in soup." K: "It should be fairly easy; as soon as the stick smells the scent of soup, it comes by itself!" start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "It's quite a small punishment, but it should be enough for the moment..." juststay resetblock _19 gplend block _09 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_09) and last(_draci) ) title Am I not a dragon?! justtalk D: "Am I not a dragon?!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I mean a REAL dragon, which destroys villages, steals, kills and terrorizes the land." start kronika "mlci" { {"Jde ze mě ta správná hrůza? Bléééé!" { "Ha, hahaha, hah..." { gplend block _draci ( atbegin(0) and (not been(_draci) or last(_25)) ) title Can you remember anything about dragons? justtalk D: "Can you remember anything about dragons?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Oh, I can remember some basic facts only." K: "I know that no real dragon has come to this country for 500 years." start kronika "mlci" gplend block _poklad ( atbegin(0) and (not been(_poklad) or last(_25) ) ) title What about any old dragons' treasures? labels namape justtalk D: "What about any old dragons' treasures?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Well, actually, there's an abandoned dragon cave a few miles to the north of here." K: "The last dragon lived there five hundred and fifty-seven years ago. If there was a treasure, it has surely been stolen..." start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "No, I am sure it hasn't!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "If you think so..." start kronika "mlci" if(new_jeskyn>1) namape let new_jeskyn (1) label namape gplend block _hulka ( atbegin(0) and (not been(_hulka) or last(_25) ) ) title Do you know anything about bad magic wands? justtalk D: "Do you know anything about bad magic wands?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I know of only one bad magic wand, and she came to see our country several times. Err ... what's her name?" K: "... she's called Ofelina." start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "It sounds eerily familiar!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "The name is unimportant, she visits certain places under an inkognito!" start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "Disguised as a good magic wand?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Exactly." start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "If you come across her, let me know! We've got some things to iron out ..." D: "Do you know where I can find her?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I don't think so, I haven't seen her for centuries." start kronika "mlci" gplend block _12 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_12) and been(_hulka) ) title What did Ofelina do? justtalk D: "What did Ofelina do?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "She put an unstoppable stop to Springing springs which was supplying water to the whole country nine hundred and twenty-eight years ago." K: "Fortunately the Magic corkscrew helped us. However, we had to trade for it with the neighboring kingdom for 2000 cases of rum" start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "It ruined us, didn't it?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Only at the first sight." K: "I forgot to point out that their kingdom has been called 'The land of eternal darkness' since then." {#because of drinking badly distilled alcohol start kronika "mlci" gplend block _13 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_13) and been(_12) ) title I am sure Ofelina had more bad things on her conscience! justtalk D: "I am sure Ofelina had more bad things on her conscience!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "That's clear." K: "Six hundred and ninety-nine years ago, during the race of rolling barrels, she changed the barrels into bee-hives." K: "Because of the turmoil no one heard the barrels' buzzing." K: "The winner was so swollen by bee stings that it was impossible to put the winning wreath around his neck." K: "What's more, all the spectators ran away, and the whole event was ruined." start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "I love these events. They are so excessive." juststay gplend block _14 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_14) and been(_13) ) title Just another one of Evelyn's bad deeds! justtalk D: "Just another one of Evelyn's bad deeds!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "I've got a personal experience with Ofelina too." K: "She told me that every educated chronicle speaks at least two languages." start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "And she wanted to teach you?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "No ... she was selling dictionaries." K: "I started getting serious about learning Hamilish. Can you imagine it?" {#Hamilish is a word for the language the chronicle studied {#but the name "Hamilish" is fictitious in Czech too K: "It has fifty tenses, twenty genders, 10000 irregular verbs!" start kronika "mlci" gplend block _15 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_15) and (last(_14) or last(_16) or last(_17)) ) title Tell me something in Hamilish! justtalk D: "Tell me something in Hamilish!" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Shrrrrph!" start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "What does it mean?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Well, it's just an interjection..." start kronika "mlci" gplend block _16 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_16) and (last(_14) or last(_15) or last(_17)) ) title Where is Hamilish spoken? justtalk D: "Where is Hamilish spoken?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Nowhere! And I had been practicing the vocabulary for two years!" start kronika "mlci" gplend block _17 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_17) and (last(_14) or last(_16) or last(_15)) ) title When did your problems occur? After studying Hamilish? justtalk D: "When did your problems with speaking occur? After studying Hamilish?" juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "Yes! I dare say my problems started after that. It was a devious conspiracy!" start kronika "mlci" justtalk D: "It's revolting. In my opinion, Ofelina, or Evelyn, should get very strict punishment!" juststay gplend {block _21 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_21) ) {title Tak mi pověz aspoň vtip! { justtalk { D:"Tak mi pověz aspoň vtip!" { juststay { {gplend block _22 ( atbegin(0) ) title We've had a very nice chat together. See you later... justtalk D: "We've had a very nice chat together. See you later..." juststay start kronika "mluvi" K: "O.K. See you..." start kronika "mlci" exitdialogue gplend