{drak s lenochem:} block _10 ( beg(1) and not been(_10) and (stroj_funguje=1) ) title How is your machine working now? justtalk D: "How is your machine working now?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Mmmh, much better, but it's not perfect yet. I'm not sure what's still missing." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "What about...?!" juststay exitdialogue gplend block _11 ( beg(1) and not been(_11) and (stroj_funguje=2) ) title And how is your machine working now? {když už přístroj definitivně opravil} justtalk D: "And how is your machine working now?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Absolutely flawless! I almost don't miss swallowing the cakes." L: "But have I not always said that it is a masterpiece?" start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "As far as I know you said that if I repair your flying-cake machine you would give me a flask of your laziness." juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "What? Actually, you are right. You can take your just reward then, enjoy it!" start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "I am not afraid of that!" juststay {abych mohl vzit lahvicku:} let stroj_funguje (3) exitdialogue gplend block _09 ( atbegin(0) and been(_08) and been(_05) and not been(_09) and isobjon(lahvicka) ) title If not the machine, what should I want ... justtalk D: "If not the machine, what should I want for my birthday then?!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "You could tell your parents to buy my laziness in a flask." L: "My business is not going very well this year." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _00a ( beg(1) and not hasbeen(_00a) and maxline(1) ) title justtalk D: "I am Bert and who are you?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I am me. I have forgotten what my name is." L: "Once I felt that I was going to recall my name but the feeling didn't last very long." L: "I am too lazy to have feelings." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "I don't understand!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "That is your problem." L: "I am too lazy to explain everything to you again." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _00b ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and hasbeen(_00a) ) title justtalk D: "Yeah, once more..." juststay gplend block _06 ( atbegin(0) and been(_05) and not been(_06) and been(_08) ) title I will buy your laziness! justtalk D: "I will buy your laziness!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Erm, right now I don't know if it is for sale..." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "What?!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Well -" L: "- I think there is nothing in the world that could offset its value." L: "Unless ..." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Unless what?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Unless you repair my flying-cake machine!" start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "If this is the only chance to get your laziness, I could try it..." juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "But you should hurry up. Maybe I will sell all of it before this evening and none would be left for you!" start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" let vim_o_lenosti (2) gplend block _01 ( beg(0) and not been(_01) ) title Have you been this lazy since you were born? justtalk D: "Have you been this lazy since you were born?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I guess I have." L: "When I was a small kid, my parents were a bit worried about me." L: "My mum - let her rest in peace - always said to me:" L: "'Remember that no roasted pigeons will ever fly into your mouth!'" L: "And you see that she was right." L: "Cakes fly there instead!" start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _12 ( beg(0) and not been(_12) ) title Do you ever go to the toilet? justtalk D: "Do you ever go to the toilet?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "No, not at all. I have been lying here for a few years, but I didn't have to yet." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "What about the chamber pot?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Chamber pot?" L: "I don't remember any chamber pot." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _02 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_02) ) title What is the principle of this extraordinary machine? justtalk D: "What is the principle of this extraordinary machine?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I don't know, I never tried to figure it out. I am too lazy for that." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _03 ( atbegin(0) and been(_02) and not been(_03) ) title I know how this machine works! justtalk D: "I know how this machine works!" D: "Would you like to hear it?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I am too lazy to be interested in it. No, thanks." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _04 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_04) ) title Where did this machine come from? justtalk D: "Where did this machine come from?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I don't remember. I am too lazy to recall." L: "It is possible that I built it." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "I would be really surprised then!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Me too. I really don't know where it came from. But I don't care at all that it is here." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _05 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_05) ) title I would not like to be as lazy like you! justtalk D: "I would not like to be as lazy like you!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I don't see anything bad in my laziness. I feel quite comfortable with it." L: "I have done great business with it -" L: "- I sell it in pieces bottled in a flask!" start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Has anybody ever bought one?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Not yet." L: "But I think I will make a fortune of it." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" let vim_o_lenosti (1) gplend block _07 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_07) ) title What will you do when the machine breaks down? justtalk D: "What will you do when the machine breaks down?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I think that it will never break down. It seems to be on some kind of perpetual motion." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "That would be your only safeguard." juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Hmm ..." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _08 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_08) ) title I would like to have a device like this at home! justtalk D: "I would like to have a device like this at home!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I am sorry, but I am not planning to throw this device away yet." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "I am not saying that I want yours." D: "Maybe I could convince my parents to give me a similar one for my birthday." D: "But I don't know which brand to choose - are you content with this model?" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Well, this is what I want to talk to you about. It has been working without fail for quite a few years." L: "But it also has some bugs, sometimes it happens that the cake flies outside." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "That is an unpleasant flaw!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "I would say so. Hence I don't recommend you this purchase at all." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _98 ( beg(0) and not last(_00b) ) title See you... justtalk D: "See you..." D: "...and good digestion!" juststay start lenuvnitr_hlava "mluvi" L: "Thanks." start lenuvnitr_hlava "mlci" exitdialogue gplend block _99 ( beg(0) and last(_00b) and maxline(1) ) title justtalk D: "...nothing." juststay exitdialogue gplend