{s matkou v dracim dome:} block _00 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and not been(_6) ) title justtalk D: "Mother, I've decided to be a good Dragon!" juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "And you do not have any conditions?" start mutti "mlci" gplend block _1 ( beg(0) and last(_00) and not been(_1) ) TITLE Of course I have. Do you want to hear them? load mutti "mlci2sec" justtalk D: "Of course I have. Do you want to hear them?" juststay {Berta ho neposlouchá} startplay mutti "mlci2sec" start mutti "mlci" justtalk D: "Hmm? Nevermind, I will tell you anyway. I want to stay out late at night ... I want an ant farm ..." D: "... to come home through the window ... to jump on my bed ... to pick my boogers with a ruler ... to stick a knife in my mouth" juststay {Berta ho neposlouchá} startplay mutti "mlci2sec" start mutti "mlci" justtalk D: "You are not listening, mum!" juststay {Berta ho neposlouchá} {k obecenstvu} justtalk D: "It's terrible, when a dragon is ignored by his own mother." juststay {Berta ho neposlouchá} startplay mutti "mlci2sec" start mutti "mlci" {po chvíli:} start mutti "cili se" B: "You won't pick your boogers with a ruler!" B: "It burns up every time!" B: "You can pick your boogers with a poker, but I won't allow that in here." B: "You know, when those boogers of yours are burning, they sure stink a lot." B: "And forget about all the other things too!" start mutti "mlci" justtalk D: "It looks like my mother is through with me." juststay exitdialogue gplend block _2 ( beg(0) and last(_00) ) TITLE No, I just want to be good, that's all ... justtalk D: "No, I just want to be good, that's all ..." juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "Hah, since when?" start mutti "mlci" gplend block _5 ( beg(0) and last(_2) or last(_4) and not been(_5) ) TITLE I have to think about it ... justtalk D: "I have to think about it ..." juststay exitdialogue gplend block _6 ( beg(0) and last(_2) or last(_4) and not been(_6) ) TITLE I am starting right now! justtalk D: "I am starting right now!" juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "Right now? If that is so you can take this exquisitely sharp knife" B: "and go out and run around." start mutti "mlci" justtalk D: "But ... What? ... Mother?" juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "How do the other good children play?" start mutti "mlci" justtalk D: "I'm off, Mother!?" juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "But remember that a beating still awaits you!" start mutti "mlci" justtalk D: "(Parents are very peculiar, aren't they?)" juststay icostat on i_nuz exitdialogue gplend block _3 ( beg(0) and last(_2) or last(_4) and not been(_3) ) TITLE I am starting tomorrow. justtalk D: "I am starting tomorrow." juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "I can't understand that. You mean, you will be good from tomorrow on?" juststay justtalk D: "Yep. Today, I'll still be a little naughty." juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "Don't you want to change your mind? What about being a little naughty next week?" juststay justtalk D: "Mmmmh, fine, I'll think about it." juststay exitdialogue gplend block _4 ( beg(0) and last(_2) and not been(_4) ) TITLE It's my new new-years resolution. justtalk D: "It's my new new-years resolution." juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "It's too late for that!" juststay gplend block _01 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and random(3) ) title justtalk D: "Mother, have you seen my father around?" juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "Are you joking? I haven't seen him for a month!" juststay exitdialogue gplend block _02 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) ) title justtalk D: "When will lunch be ready?" juststay start mutti "mluvi" B: "It will take a little while. But you won't starve." juststay justtalk D: "Considering your cooking skills I guess I'd rather ..." juststay exitdialogue gplend