{drak čte skřetům pohádku:} block _ (1) title {knihu pak uz nebudeme potrebovat:} icostat off i_pohadka load bert "kniha_cte" load bert "kniha_otevir" load bert "kniha_vytahu" load bert "kniha_mlci2s" load bert "kniha_mlupre" load bert "kniha_mlupo" load bert "kniha_divase" load bert "kniha_listuj" load blby "usina" load blby_hl "usina" load blbejsi "usina" startplay bert "kniha_otevir" start bert "kniha_cte" D: "It's a fairy tale unlike any other." D: "A dragon came and was going to eat the princess. Fortunately, a brave prince appeared." D: "He killed the dragon, married the princess and was given half of the kingdom. They all lived happily until they died." startplay bert "kniha_listuj" start bert "kniha_cte" D: "The old idiotic king had already lost all of his teeth and could only eat shakes." D: "His skin dried out completely and he was as light as parchment." D: "No wonder that, when his servant had forgotten to close the window, the king flew away. There's a draft in old castles, you know." D: "The king blew in the wind for a while, but it didn't last too long. He was finally soaked by a rain shower." startplay bert "kniha_listuj" start bert "kniha_cte" start blby "usina" start blby_hl "usina" D: "The dragon was eaten by worms. The prince was promoted to be king of the second half of the kingdom." D: "The Princess became the Queen.. Alas, they had no children." D: "We'll call them Prince and Princess not to get them confused." D: "The Princess lost her young appearance soon and her face became full of wrinkles." D: "One day when she had a look in the mirror, she hated what she saw and threw it in a rage. The mirror was broken into many shards." start blby "spi" start blby_hl "spi" objstat_on bota skreti start bota "zakladni" D: "One Prince's eye was near-sighted, because the other one was made of glass. He didn't see well and stepped on the shards with his bare feet." start blbejsi "usina" objstat away blbejsi_hl D: "He got blood-poisoning and died in a horrible fever." D: "He had also suffered from rheumatism, because of walking barelegged." D: "Old castles are usually chilly." startplay bert "kniha_listuj" start bert "kniha_cte" D: "A new dragon came and was going to have something to eat." D: "The Princess was now old and ugly, and no young suitors appeared to defend her." D: "The dragon was greedy and stuffed the whole princess into his mouth. He proceeded to choke to death because she was too tough." start blbejsi "spi" D: "No wonder, since old meat is to be simmered and roasted first." D: "Any other dragon would rather die of hunger than to gulp such a mouthful." D: "As soon as the dragons heard of it, none of them came there anymore." startplay bert "kniha_listuj" start bert "kniha_cte" D: "So this is the whole story." startplay bert "kniha_mlci2s" start bert "kniha_cte" {chvíli pauza} D: "Silence!" startplay bert "kniha_divase" start bert "kniha_mlupre" {najdeme scenar v knize... D: "Oh, there's a paper in the back of the book." startplay bert "kniha_vytahu" start bert "kniha_mlupo" D: "Well, I won't throw it away." juststay icostat on i_scenar gplend