block _17 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and (upeceny_trol=2) ) title I'll try to telepathize his mind. justtalk D: "I'll try to telepathize his mind." juststay walkonplay 156 116 vpravo objstat away bert load most_drak "telepatie" start most_drak "telepatie" {po chvíli mlčení:} start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "You were right, I'm really hot on my back. You can have the shirt." start most_trol_huba "mlci" load most_trol "svlekani2" load most_drak "beretriko" start most_trol "svlekani2" startplay most_drak "beretriko" start most_trol "nahaty" stayon 156 116 vpravo play walkonplay 148 120 vlevo justtalk D: "Wow, I just thought about him being hot and it really happened." D: "Maybe I should have tried this at the beginning ..." juststay {trol svleče triko a dá nám ho} icostat on i_tricko let upeceny_trol (3) exitdialogue gplend block _02 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and not been(_17) and not been(_02) and (vim_o_rytiri=1) ) title justtalk D: "Sorry to trouble you, but I need your T-shirt." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "What?!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I need your T-shirt. I hope that's not the only thing you are wearing." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Yes ..." start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Don't worry, naked trolls don't shock me." D: "I think that Trolls should always be naked." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Always naked? I've never had such an idea. But it is entirely revolutionary." R: "I will think about it..." start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "Will you give me your T-shirt now?" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "No! This T-shirt was worn by my great grand-father." R: "I won't give it to you." start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "So much for being rebellious. You ought to say goodbye to all these old and stupid traditions!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "It's impossible. [Every time he starts talking about the T-shirt, I get depressed.]" start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "But I need the T-shirt urgently!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Why do you need my T-shirt?" start most_trol_huba "mlci" { let upeceny_trol (1) gplend block _03 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_03) ) title I love the stripes on your T-shirt! justtalk D: "I love the stripes on your T-shirt!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "It's tasteful, isn't it?" start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "No, no, actually, it's terribly tasteless." D: "I can't understand how you can wear something that doesn't suit you at all." D: "Vertical stripes are in fashion nowadays." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "I sure hope horizontal stripes will become modern again." start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I am certain that will NEVER be the case." D: "You could donate the T-shirt to me." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Forget it." start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _04 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_04) ) title I am going to make a collage out of it... justtalk D: "I am going to make a collage out of it..." D: "... no, actually an assemblage ..." D: "... maybe a patchwork." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "I find that interesting, why not. But are you going to give it back to me?" start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I don't think so, it will be cut into pieces." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Hah, then I think I will never give my T-shirt to you." R: "Even if you have the best intentions!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "You don't appreciate art at all!" juststay gplend block _06 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_06) ) title The destiny of the country depends on this T-shirt! justtalk D: "Maybe the destiny of the whole country depends on this T-shirt!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "You are relying on my patriotism, aren't you?" start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _07 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_07) ) title The destiny of the whole universe depends on ... justtalk D: "The destiny of the whole universe depends on this T-shirt!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "I think the universe should find another shirt to depend on quickly!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _08 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_08) ) title But I need the T-shirt very urgently! justtalk D: "But I need the T-shirt very urgently!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "What are you going to do with my T-shirt?! It's the only outfit I have!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I didn't know that trolls were so poor." juststay justtalk D: "Somehow I thought that the sign was enough." juststay gplend block _09 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_09) ) title I'll try an assertive way... justtalk D: "I'll try an assertive way..." juststay justtalk D: "What amazing muscles! Do you work out?" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "What are you saying? My muscles are quite invisible!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "That is true, they're quite invisible because of the T-shirt. What a pity!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "I don't think so." start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _10 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_10) ) title You must feel very hot! justtalk D: "You must feel very hot!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Oh no, I'm quite O.K." start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _11 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_11) ) title You look pale, you should get a tan. justtalk D: "You look pale, you should get a tan." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "I don't like sunbathing." start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _12 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_12) ) title Give me your T-shirt! justtalk D: "Give me your T-shirt!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Never!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _13 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_13) ) title I want your T-shirt! justtalk D: "I want your T-shirt!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "You're out of luck!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _14 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_14) ) title T-shirt, T-shirt, T-shirt! justtalk D: "T-shirt, T-shirt, T-shirt!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "NO! NO! NO!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _15 ( beg(0) and been(_02) and not been(_15) and been(_09) ) title Maybe I am too assertive... justtalk D: "Maybe I am too assertive..." D: "You better give me your foul T-shirt, it doesn't fit you at all!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "What did you say? It's impossible!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _19 ( maxline(1) and not been (_19) and beg(1) and (probehl_incident=1) ) title justtalk D: "How are you?" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "It's quite O.K., thanks, I just have a swollen nose." start most_trol_huba "mlci" start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Some idiot tried to assassinate me! So I pounded his nose." start most_trol_huba "mlci" exitdialogue gplend block _18 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and (upeceny_trol=3) ) title justtalk D: "How are you?" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Fine, thanks." start most_trol_huba "mlci" start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Am I already tanned enough? Nicely dark green?" start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I think you're a nice shade of brown!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "If that is so then I am not tanned at all. Brown is my natural color." start most_trol_huba "mlci" exitdialogue gplend block _16 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) and been(_02) and (upeceny_trol!=3) ) title The Teeeeeeee-shirt! justtalk D: "The Teeeeeeee-shirt!" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "Nnnnoooo!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" gplend block _20 ( maxline(1) and last(_16) ) title justtalk D: "Ugh ..." juststay exitdialogue gplend block _21 ( beg(0) and not last(_16) ) title I don't think there's anything left to say ... justtalk D: "I don't think there's anything left to say to each other ..." juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "We can talk about my beautiful T-shirt." start most_trol_huba "mlci" justtalk D: "I'm wasting my time!" juststay exitdialogue gplend block _01 ( maxline(1) and beg(1) ) title justtalk D: "What are you doing on the bridge?" D: "I thought Trolls were supposed to rest under trees?" juststay start most_trol_huba "mluvi" R: "I have changed my way of life!" start most_trol_huba "mlci" exitdialogue gplend