{drak s obrem:} block _00a ( beg(1) and not been(_00a)) ) title justtalk D: "Hey!" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Who are you? A dwarf? No? That's a pity. I like dwarves." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "I am Bert and I am a dragon!" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Hmm ..." O: "You kind of look like the other dragons, I have seen ... But you have no wings!" start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "I will have them some day ..." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "I don't know. Think about it sometime!" start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Darn, now I will start to have a wing complex." juststay let pokec_s_obrem (pokec_s_obrem+1) gplend block _00b ( atbegin(1) and been(_00a) ) title labels jsemchytry justtalk D: "Hi, I have some more questions for you..." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Hmm..." start obr_hlava "mlci" if(otec_me_poucil=1) jsemchytry exit label jsemchytry let otec_me_poucil (2) start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Do you still remember what I have asked you before?" start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "I think so." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "So why do you have no wings? Are you a dragon or not?" start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Well, it's just a matter of evolution..." D: "But now, it's my turn to ask questions." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "As you wish." start obr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _01 ( atbegin(0)) and not been(_01) and isobjon(obr_pajzl1) ) TITLE What are you grinding in that mill? justtalk D: "What are you grinding in that mill?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Eeeh, don't ask." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "You are grinding dwarves in that mill!" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "There you go, you guessed it!" start obr_hlava "mlci" let pokec_s_obrem (pokec_s_obrem+1) gplend block _02 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_02) and been(_01) and isobjon(obr_pajzl1) ) TITLE You throw the dwarves in just as they are? justtalk D: "You throw the dwarves in just as they are?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Why not? The dwarves are quite clean." O: "I take only their caps off as it blocks my mill." start obr_hlava "mlci" let pokec_s_obrem (pokec_s_obrem+1) gplend block _03 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_03) and been(_01) and isobjon(obr_pajzl1) ) TITLE You really eat dwarves? justtalk D: "You really eat dwarves?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "What are these vermin good for? Only for eating I say." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "And you like them." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "I love them!" start obr_hlava "mlci" let pokec_s_obrem (pokec_s_obrem+1) gplend block _05 ( beg(0) and not been(_05) and been(_03) and isobjon(obr_pajzl1) ) TITLE Can you tell me some good recipes? justtalk D: "Can you tell me some good recipes?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "I know many recipes!" start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Can you tell me a really good one?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "It's hard to choose ..." start obr_hlava "mlci" let pokec_s_obrem (pokec_s_obrem+1) gplend block _04 ( beg(0) and not been(_04) and been(_01) and isobjon(obr_pajzl1) ) TITLE To grind dwarves is inhuman! justtalk D: "To grind dwarves is inhuman!" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Maybe. But this is cruel fairy-tale reality." O: "I will have a meatloaf on Sunday." start obr_hlava "mlci" let pokec_s_obrem (pokec_s_obrem+1) gplend block _06 ( atbegin(0) and not been(_06) and been(_03) and isobjon(obr_pajzl1) ) TITLE But all the dwarves will be extinct if you keep this up! justtalk D: "But all the dwarves will be extinct if you keep this up!" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Do not worry, I won't starve. I have plenty of them canned!" start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "With a lot of onion?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "The main thing is a lot of pepper and then let it mellow for at least a year." O: "Then they are really tasty." start obr_hlava "mlci" let pokec_s_obrem (pokec_s_obrem+1) gplend block _07 ( beg(0) and not been(_07) and isobjaway(obr_pajzl1) ) TITLE Where did these bound Dwarves disappear to? justtalk D: "Where did these bound Dwarves disappear to? You had to feel real sorry for yourself when you set them free." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "I don't know what you are talking about. I ate them." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Ate them?! But, I liked them so much ..." D: "... we shared our interests, our problems, we were drinking out of the same cup ..." D: "... we shared epidemic icterus, we even lent our pencils to each other!" D: "They were such sympathetic Dwarves, they had nice beards!" D: "Can't you make amends somehow? Take it back?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Take them back, you say? It wouldn't help them much." O: "I have grinded them perfectly." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Why did you do it, you murderer?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Well, to swallow big morsels is unhealthy." O: "I get flatulence out of it. You don't want me to get sick, do you?" start obr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _13 ( beg(0) and not been(_13) and isobjaway(obr_pajzl1) ) TITLE What will you eat now that Dwarves are forbidden? justtalk D: "What will you eat now that Dwarves are forbidden?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Still Dwarves. But canned and stewed." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "As far as I know, you were to set ALL the dwarves free!" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "I know, my dragon friend how you care about those Dwarves, but some little accident happened." O: "I don't know how, but all the dwarves died in the stew." O: "Even giving first aid was futile." O: "I am sorry to say that your friends couldn't swim." start obr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _10 ( beg(0) and (mam_zjistit_recept=1) and not been(_10) ) TITLE I am looking for one recipe... justtalk D: "I am looking for one recipe..." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "I surely won't know that one." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "...for cooking bad magic wands!" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "You are lucky. I know this one by accident!" start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "So tell me!" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Boil two pints of water and one sliced moldy mushroom. Add chives, one goblin sock and stir properly." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Is that all? That sounds exactly like the soup Berta is cooking." D: "Without that goblin sock, of course! (I should recommend it to her next time.)" juststay gplend block _11 ( beg(0) and been(_10) and not been(_11) ) TITLE Does that mushroom need to be moldy? justtalk D: "Does that mushroom need to be moldy? Isn't that goblin sock enough?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "No way, it's really necessary. At worst you can add mold. It really helps." O: "Hold on, I can give you some moldy bouillon." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "I don't know if I can accept it ..." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Take it, it's completely healthy, with no chemicals in it!" start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Healthy? That's what I am afraid of. But if you insist, thanks ..." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "I don't know how else I could help you." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "It won't be necessary. As for the goblin sock, I happen to know some goblins by accident." juststay {obr dá drakovi plíseň do polévky} icostat on i_plisen exitdialogue gplend block _12 ( beg(0) and not been(_12) and been(_10) ) TITLE How do goblins taste? justtalk D: "How do goblins taste?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "I don't eat goblins because of their socks." start obr_hlava "mlci" justtalk D: "Too spicy?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Yes, kind of." start obr_hlava "mlci" gplend block _99 ( beg(0) and not (last(_00a) or last(_00b)) ) TITLE Bye now. justtalk D: "Bye now." juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "See you later..." start obr_hlava "mlci" exitdialogue gplend block _98 ( beg(0) and (last(_00a) or last(_00b)) and maxline(1) ) title justtalk D: "I just forgot, what were the questions?" juststay start obr_hlava "mluvi" O: "Never mind, maybe you will remember them next time." start obr_hlava "mlci" exitdialogue gplend